the business expert panel
2022 mastermind
After This 7 Day Mastermind, You'll Have The Tools To Create Financial Freedom, Grow Your Social Media, Optimize Productivity, Scale Email Marketing, & More!
This Mastermind Is For
Anyone who has an online business but struggling to...
1. Come up with the right marketing strategy.
2. Send high converting emails that turn prospects into clients.
3. Understand what social platforms are the best for their business.
4. Connect & engage with their leads
5. Come up with a financial plan for themselves & their business.
6. Design high converting sales funnels.
7. Manage their productivity.
8. Set goals and actually achieve them.
If anything above resonates with you, this masterclass will help you resolve all of those setbacks.
Entrepreneur/Investor + Coach
Discussing funnels, sales, and investing, getting set up properly as an entrepreneur.
Just Financial Foundations
Discussing financing/budgeting as an entrepreneur and how to be financially savvy.
Socially Stetson
Discussing what social platforms you should be using for your business in 2022 and what are the upcoming trends.
Caroline Lewis Consulting
How to best utilize email marketing & email sequencing to grow revenue.
Gwen & Jess
Hey Hello Studio
How to create strategic, eye-catching brands & websites.
Rhythmic Home
How to 3x your productivity as a business owner!
January 25th
Sales Funnels & Investments with Marissa
January 26th
Understanding Your Financials with Justin
January 27th
Email Marketing with Caroline
January 28th
Branding & Website Design with Gwen & Jess
January 29th
Growing On Social Media with Stetson
January 31st
3x your Productivity with Alexis
February 1st
Joint Q&A with all the Experts