Why You Can’t Afford To Skip A Sales Funnel

Unveiling the Secret to Business Growth: Why You Can’t Afford to Skip Sales Funnels Can I let you in on a secret? If you’re aiming to capture attention, introduce your brand effectively, and convert prospects into loyal customers, sales funnels are the game-changer you need. This powerful tool is often overlooked, but its impact on…

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How to Increase Your Facebook Group & Engagement

HomeThe Social TrendSocially Growing Membership Members LoginSocial Media ManagementProduct & FreebiesPodcast How to Increase Your Facebook Group & Engagement There are many platforms out there that allow you to connect with your customers, but one of my must-haves is a branded Facebook Group. It’s an exclusive group, a ‘get’ that your customers can feel comfortable…

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Engaging Instagram Captions You Can Use Right Now

social media Engaging Instagram Captions You Can Use Right Now Funny Serious Short Long Candid Personal Playful Insightful   Just a few adjectives to set the tone!   …of your caption, that is! I know, I know. I often talk about engagement starting with the photo. I get it, but Instagram is really a 2-part…

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Tips on How to Create Engaging Instagram Stories

social media Tips on How to Create Engaging Instagram Stories Stories. The backbone of Instagram.  Prove me wrong! When you open IG what’s the first thing you do? If you’re anything like me, you check the latest round of stories. I want to see what my favorite peeps and products are featuring today! And that’s…

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The Instagram Photo Props You Need

social media The Instagram Photo Props You Need Fun tidbit. Did you know one of the tricks to increasing engagement on your Instagram post is a distraction?   In a world of posting reels and carousels, there are so many options to include that will level up your posts from pretty to perfection. Adding personal…

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Are You On Pinterest Yet?

social media Are You On Pinterest Yet?   Pinterest has been around for years now. Commonly people use the app for recipes, inspiration, and other tips and tricks. But within the last year, Pinterest has grown into something a little more for business owners. Now users can shop on the site and follow their favorite…

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Why You’re NOT Selling On IG

social media Why You’re NOT Selling On IG Are you selling your products or services on Instagram? Is it not going as planned? Let me help you look at why you may not be selling on Instagram and what we can do to fix it!    Is your account set to a business account? Having…

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How Often Should I Post On Social Media?

social media How Often Should I Post On Social Media?   The most popular question in social media is how often should you post?    Some social media gurus say you should post multiple times a day. While this may work, you need a team of people to pull that off. I post whenever I…

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Why Your Content Isn’t Going Viral

social media Why Your Content Isn’t Going Viral   It seems everyone is going viral lately, especially with reels in the mix. How do you accomplish being viral or raising the odds of it happening to you? Let me help!    Just like all of our role models, be yourself! People can tell when something…

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How to Grow Your Instagram Account

social media How to Grow Your Instagram Account   If you are on Instagram, you know that algorithms can change at any moment. This makes growing your Instagram account seem daunting. As a social media coach, I have a few tips & tricks that will help you grow your Instagram account in 2022!    Stick…

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